Lawrence County Tourism & Convention Commission BY-LAWS

Here below is a copy of the Lawrence County Tourism & Convention Commission By-Laws.

l.                SCOPE of POLICIES and PROCEDURES

These policies and procedures have been adopted by the Lawrence County Tourism & Convention Commission only as a supplement to KRS Sec. 91A.350, Ordinance No. 2000-2, as adopted by the City of Louisa, and Ordinance No. 00-008, as adopted by the Lawrence County Fiscal Court.  All said provisions are incorporated herein and shall prevail in the event of any inconsistency within these policies and procedures.  These policies and procedures are also subordinate to other applicable provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


The Commission has been formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  The Commission was authorized by official action of the Fiscal Court of Lawrence County by way of Ordinance No.  00-008, jointly with the City Council of the City of Louisa, Kentucky, by way of Ordinance No. 2000-2 on December 2, 2000.  The Commission operates under the continuing authority of KRS 91A.350 as amended by House Bill No. 438 of the 2000 Regular Session of The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

III.               PURPOSE and OBJECTIVES

a.       The Commission’s purpose is to promote and develop convention and tourism activities and facilities in Lawrence County.

b.      The Commission’s objectives shall be as follows:

                                                               i.      To increase the total monies spent by tourists and conventioneers in Lawrence County.

                                                             ii.      To provide leadership and seek funding to involve those establishments serving the traveling public in projects and programs which enhance and advance our community; and simultaneously to provide for expansion of tourism and convention business in Lawrence County.

                                                            iii.      To create and project a positive image for the tourism and convention industry within the local community and to the traveling public.


a.       The initial membership of the Commission and the expiration of each respective term shall be instituted by Executive Order 01-003 of the Lawrence County Fiscal Court.

b.      The membership of the Commission and any vacancies thereon, shall be appointed and serve as provided in KRS Sec. 91A.360.

c.       On or before 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of any member, the Chairman of the Commission shall give written notice to the office holder, association(s) and/or organization(s) authorized to submit nomination(s) for the appointment of the member(s) whose term is expiring and said written notice shall request that all nominations be submitted to the County Judge/Executive of Lawrence County and the Mayor of the City of Lousia no less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of the respective member(s).  The Chairman shall further request the County Judge/Executive and the Mayor to make and finalize all appointments or reappointments before the expiration date of any respective term.

d.      If any member is absent, three or more consecutive meetings, regular or special, during any one fiscal year without due cause, or if the Commissioner’s personal conduct is unbecoming to the Commission, its work or its image, the Commission upon majority vote of members present at a special meeting called for such purpose, may ask such Commissioner to resign and direct the Chairman to petition the County Judge/Executive and the Mayor to remove the Commissioner from office in accordance with the Kentucky Revised Statutes.


a.       Commission Members shall not receive any financial compensation for their service on the Commission.  Reasonable out-of pocket expenses incurred by any member of the Commission, in the course of his/her duties as a member of the Commission, shall be reimbursed by the Commission upon presentation of a written explanation accompanied by supporting receipts satisfactory in form and content to the Commission’s Treasurer.

b.      Members of the Commission shall be responsible for attending all regular and special meetings, serving on committees, and promoting convention and tourism activity within Louisa and Lawrence County.


a.       The officers of the Commission shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Director.  All officers shall be elected and serve for a term of one (1) year, which shall coincide with each successive fiscal year of the Commission; provided, however, each officer shall also serve until his successor has been duly elected.

b.      The duties of the Commission’s officers are as follows:

1.      Chairperson - The Chairperson will preside at all meetings of the Commission.  The Chairperson, upon attaining the approval of the Commission, will sign all contracts, deeds, and other legal documents on behalf of the Commission.  The Chairperson is the official spokesperson of the Commission.  The Chairperson shall appoint all committee chairs and committee members during Commission meetings.  The Chair shall be limited to three consecutive years of service in this office.

2.      Vice Chair- The Vice Chair will, in the absence of the Chair, perform duties of the Chair. 

3.      Secretary - The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of written minutes for each meeting of the Commission, which will be submitted for approval at the next regular meeting of the Commission.  These minutes shall reflect whatever matters the Secretary deems to be appropriate for said minutes, but shall include at least the names of each Commissioner who is present at the commencement and the adjournment of said meeting and a record of the name and vote of each member who voted for or against any matter.  The minutes shall also include a complete and accurate statement of all motions, resolutions, elections, designations and all other actions proposed to be taken by any member of the Commission without regard to whether the proposal was adopted or defeated.  The minutes shall reflect all committee chairs and committee members appointed by the Chairman.

4.      Treasurer - The Treasurer will serve as the Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee and will supervise the annual audit of the Commission’s financial records by designated certified public accountant as required by the Kentucky Revised Statutes.  The Treasurer is also responsible to report monthly financial statements to the Commission.

5.      Public Relations Director - The Public Relations Director will serve as the Chairman of the Public Relations Committee.  The Public Relations Director holds the responsibilities of informing the local media of times and locations of all open meetings, as well as informing the public sector of all upcoming programs.


a.       The election of the Commission’s officers shall be in June of each year.  Those seeking office must be placed on the ballot no later than 10 days prior to the election by contacting the Chairman of the Commission in person.  Any member of the Commission may make any nominations from the floor during the election meeting.

b.      The member receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected; provided, however, no one shall be elected to any office without receiving at least two votes, one of which may be his/her own.  All votes shall be cast by secret ballot, which are to be counted by the Chairman and Secretary.  In the event that either of the abovementioned officers is a party to a particular election, then the next highest-ranking officer shall substitute.  In the event that all of the officers are a party, then the Commissioners with highest-ranking seniority of service to the Commission shall count the votes.  In the event that a candidate runs unopposed, then that particular election can be passed by acclamation.


a.       The Commission shall meet, at least monthly, on the second (2nd) Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Lawrence County Courthouse, unless otherwise publicized by the Commission or the Chairman.

b.      A written notice of any regular or special meeting is required to be sent to all Commissioners.

c.       The Chairman or a majority of the Commission may call special meetings to be held at a date, time and place within Lawrence County with notice given to the news media and the Commission by whoever has called the meeting.  The notice of a special meeting will describe the purpose(s) for which the meeting is called; however, the Commission shall have authority to consider all matters within its jurisdiction at any regular or special meeting.

d.      Official business cannot be conducted at meetings without quorum.  A majority of the members of the Commission, four (4), shall constitute a quorum.  The majority of the quorum shall control.  In the event that there are vacant seats on the Commission, quorum will be attained by attendance of a majority of the filled seats.  If not otherwise stated herein, all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

e.       The Commission shall operate under the Open Meeting Statute of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, with the privilege of adjourning to closed executive session. 


Individual members of the Commission shall not be authorized to make policy or position statements for the Commission.  The Commission’s Chairman is the authorized principal spokesperson for the Commission and his/her statements are restricted to reflect previously approved policy, statements or positions of the Commission.  No action may be taken or rejected and no policy may be adopted or rejected by the Commission unless it is adopted or rejected upon motion at a meeting of the Commission and reflected in the minutes thereof. 


All items of tangible nature including, without limitation, all brochures, maps, pamphlets, advertisements, slogans, logos, computer programs, lists of potential tourists or conventions, or other work products which are produced, compiled, edited, arranged, designed, or authored by any employee or independent contractor of the Commission shall always be considered and remain the sole property of the Commission.  This provision shall be included in all of the Commission’s employment contracts and those with independent contractors. 


a.       Fiscal Year - The Commission’s fiscal year shall commence on the 1st of July and end on the 30th of June of the following year.

b.      Commission Funds - The Commission is authorized to accept funds from any legal source to supplement the funds it receives from the transient room tax imposed by the City of Louisa and Lawrence County, which is authorized under the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

c.       Budget Development and  Approval - The budget shall be developed and subject to approval as follows:

                                                                     i.       The Chairman of the Commission shall initially draft the annual operational budget of the Commission.

                                                                   ii.       The draft shall then be submitted to the Commission’s Budget &                       

Finance Committee for the line item consideration, modification and approval.

                                                                  iii.       The draft shall then be submitted to the Commission for consideration, modification and approval by or before the regular June meeting of the Commission.

                                                                 iv.       The budget may be amended by a majority vote of the Commission.

                                                                   v.       All disbursements shall have prior approval reflected by a majority vote of the Commission.

d.      Depository of Funds - All funds of the Commission shall be promptly deposited in the depositories designated by the Commission.  The Commission shall maintain a general account, a petty cash fund not to exceed $100.00, and such additional accounts and funds as the Commission may authorize.

e.       Acceptance of Funds - The Chairman and the Treasurer of the Commission may accept payment on the Commission’s behalf by check or cash; provided, however, that immediate deposit is made of all said cash and checks endorsed “Deposit Only” into an authorized depository of the Commission’s funds.

f.        Issuance of Checks - Other than petty cash expenditures not to exceed $100.00 each, all expenditures of Commission funds must be made by check drawn against one of its authorized depositories.  The check must be signed by a two-person combination of the Chairman and Treasurer of the Commission.

g.       Investment of Excess Funds - Funds in temporary excess of operating needs may be invested in interest bearing accounts or certificates of deposit at financial institutions in Lawrence County, Kentucky, as directed by the Commission.

h.       Annual Independent Audit - At the end of each fiscal year, the Commission shall submit its books and records to an independent certified public accountant to conduct the annual independent audit required by law, who shall be directed to submit a report thereof to the Commission, to the organizations from which Commission members are selected and the Lawrence County Judge/Executive and Mayor of Louisa.

XII.            COMMITTEES 

a.       Every Committee shall have a chairperson and members appointed by the Chairman of the Commission.

b.      The chairperson of each committee will be responsible for presiding over the committee meetings, calling future meetings, and reporting to the Commission the activities of his/her committee.

c.       Every committee shall have a secretary appointed by the chairperson of the committee.  This person is responsible for recording the minutes of the committee meeting, as well as sending notices to committee members of upcoming meetings.

d.      Chairman may appoint non-Commission members to committees, but must have Commission approval on the appointee(s).

e.       The Commission will have the following committees: Budget & Finance and Public Relations.

f.        The Budget & Finance Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer of the Commission.  The committee will be responsible primarily to review the draft of the initial annual operating budget and modify it for Commission’s approval.  The committee is also to aid the Treasurer when necessary in preparing monthly financial statements for the review of the Commission.

g.       The Public Relations Committee will be chaired by the Public Relations Director.  The committee shall send notices to the local media in regards to Commission meetings, inform the public sector of upcoming programs, promote a positive image of the tourism and convention industry in Lawrence County, and present proposals to promote public involvement in Lawrence County.


a.       The Commission shall abide by the Kentucky Open Public Records Act as well as the City of Louisa Ordinance No. 2000-2 and the Lawrence County Fiscal Court Ordinance No. 00-008.

b.      The principal office of the Commission will be the Lawrence County Courthouse, Louisa, Kentucky 41230.  The title of the official custodian of the Commission’s public records is its Chairman, whose address will be the same as the address of the Commission’s principal office.

c.       No person shall remove original copies of public records from the Commission’s Office without prior written permission of the Chairman, nor shall any person damage, disorganize, take apart, alter, deface, disassemble, or in any way change public records.

d.      Requests for copies of public records will be handled pursuant to the aforementioned Kentucky Open Public Records Act and ordinances.

e.       The person shall pay 25 cents per page for each copy of public records made by the commission.

f.        All inspection of and copying of public records shall be conducted at the Commission’s principal office under such terms and conditions as the Chairman deems reasonable in view of both the public’s right of inspection thereof and the Commission’s responsibility to preserve and maintain said records for the general public.


The By-Laws of the Commission may be amended, supplemented, revised, changed and/or repealed, in whole or in part, by a majority of the Commission.  A proposed by-law amendment must be given to each board member by written notice ten (10) days before the vote of the amendment.


On this the _____th day of ____________ of 2008, the Lawrence County Tourism & Convention Commission has ratified this document by majority vote to be the official By-Laws of the Lawrence County Tourism & Convention Commission.

Mike Sullivan
Chairman of Lawrence County Tourism and Convention Commission


Harold Slone
Treasurer of Lawrence County Tourism and Convention Commission