April is Redbud Month in Southern & Eastern Kentucky
Come enjoy the
BLOOMING excitement!
Southern and Eastern
National Scenic Byways Program
Redbud Trails Photography Contest
“We’re in the Pink!”
All entrants must be
residents in the one of the following Southern and Eastern
Contest Guidelines
Photographs submitted to the contest must be only those taken by the contestant. Submission of someone else’s photo is not acceptable.
Photographs taken by digital camera or standard camera will be accepted
Photos may only include humans if submitted with a photography release form which may be obtained from the SEKTDA office.
Pictures displaying copyright notices, date marks or other written information, as well as pictures with advertisements, will not be accepted. Pornography or images close to pornography, pictures showing violence, etc., and/or pictures that might violate law will not be accepted. Appropriate content is at the discretion of SEKTDA.
Images must be full color.
ALL pictures will become the sole property of SEKTDA to use in any and/or all media formats and informational printing. All entrants will be required to authorize the contest organizer in writing to reproduce the photographs. SEKTDA will require a negative/slide.
To be considered, images must be mailed (not e-mailed) to:
SEKTDA, Attn: Jeff Crowe,
With the following information:
1. Entrant’s full name, age , birth date, full mailing address, phone number and e-mail.
2. Entrant’s school or university and grade level (if applicable).
3. Name
and location of the photo subject (e.g. Natural Bridge SRP,
4. One
or two sentences telling why you chose this area as a photo to represent the
Southern and Eastern region
5. Release form if required
Regarding privacy, no private data submitted to the photo contest will be passed to third parties.
Every effort will be
made to assure the photo contest runs smoothly, but the organizer of the photo
contest will not
be responsible for any losses or damages to submitted photographs. In the
event that entries are not sufficient to select
four (4) top winners with a prize of $250.00 for
each and an additional eight (8)
honorable mention photographs of the quality required to produce a
12-month calendar to the contest organizer’s specifications, the organizer
reserves the right to cancel the contest without declaring any winners. This
right shall also be exercised in the event that circumstances occur beyond the
organizer’s control that would warrant such action.
Contest rules may be
modified at the organizer’s discretion. If modifications occur, they will be
posted on the www.tourseky.net web site.
One winner will be selected from each of the below groups:
Category 1----Ages 10-12 Category 3----Ages 17-21
Category 2----Ages 13-16 Category 4----Ages 22 and up
All entries must be submitted by April 30, 2008. Late entries will not be considered. Winners will be announced on May 18, 2007 at The Center for Rural Development at the SEKTDA Spring Event